I agree that the prayer of our Prophet (asw) is the best answer to all this grief over the horrible pictures. What good does Violence do, but keep up the bad image of Islam as not a peaceful religion. Protests if done correctly and peacefully with good sound voices can do more than violence can. But I think the prayers can do even the most to correct this horrible incident !!
We must all be patient and pray to Allah to help us be more like the example of our Prophet (asw). I know I will start with myself and pray more for peaceful solutions to many problems facing us Muslims !! I can only change me, not the world !!
assalamu alaikum I have this du'a on my refridgerator. Masha'Allah great reminder. I refer to it constantly whenever I feel life is unfair or I can't handle a problem. When we respond to anything we have to stop and think who it benefits and will it improve or worsen our situation, and only act when it improves. insha'Allah ameen
Salam Alaikum:
ReplyDeleteI agree that the prayer of our Prophet (asw) is the best answer to all this grief over the horrible pictures. What good does Violence do, but keep up the bad image of Islam as not a peaceful religion. Protests if done correctly and peacefully with good sound voices can do more than violence can. But I think the prayers can do even the most to correct this horrible incident !!
We must all be patient and pray to Allah to help us be more like the example of our Prophet (asw). I know I will start with myself and pray more for peaceful solutions to many problems facing us Muslims !! I can only change me, not the world !!
assalamu alaikum
ReplyDeleteI have this du'a on my refridgerator and refer to it quite often. Masha'Allah, great reminder for us all.
assalamu alaikum
ReplyDeleteI have this du'a on my refridgerator. Masha'Allah great reminder. I refer to it constantly whenever I feel life is unfair or I can't handle a problem. When we respond to anything we have to stop and think who it benefits and will it improve or worsen our situation, and only act when it improves. insha'Allah ameen